Kristen Diane Parker accused of spreading Hepatitis C

Posted by DAREDEVIL Friday, July 3, 2009

In a bizarre and unfortunate case, a former surgery techinican Kristen Diane Parker has been accused of changing her own syringes with ones having a powerful drug thus risking the patients with a possibility of Hepatitis C.

Authorities say Parker admitted to changing out syringes containing a saline solution with ones filled with the painkiller Fentanyl. Parker injected herself with the drug, AP reports.

Kristen worked at Audubon Ambulatory Surgery Center in Colorado Springs and Rose Medical Center in Denver.

Hepatitis C is an infectious disease affecting the liver, caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread by blood-to-blood contact. Most people have few, if any symptoms after the initial infection, yet the virus persists in the liver in about 85% of those infected. Persistent infection can be treated with medication but there is no cure.


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