Constitution Day 2009

Posted by DAREDEVIL Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yes, that's the US Constitution. The US Constitution that has been re-interpreted to suit the last few administrations.

George Bush's

1. "No Child Left Behind."

2. "The Patriot Act"

3. "Bailout of AIG"


1. Health care

2. Stimulus Package

3. Bank, Big business bailouts,

4. Acorn

Come on guys, the US Constitution reveals to American citizens God's guidance for a good country. When the separate divisions of government become weapons of power of one branch over another, it is we the people who pay. We are losing our freedoms, our decency, and our will to achieve a better life.

We are or were a country by the people, for people not the government. The government is supposed to keep us prosperous and safe. That's it!

Let us get our government in line with the US Constitution again. If we were to ask the US Constitution, if any of the listed legacies of the US presidents above were Constitutional the answer would be, "No!"

Shouldn't we be asking our politicians if what they are doing is constitutional on Constitution Day?

Just asking!

Note: It's not just Bush and Obama who are and have trampled our Constitution, but it's a start.


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